Web Component Libraries: Why?

Why are so many web component libraries popping up. Weren't web components supposed to free us from these walled gardens? What are they trying to solve, and are they really necessary? Let's dig in. 1. Declarative Rendering One of the drawbacks of using the CustomElement API direc…

Writing Pure, Testable, Effectful Programs: A Saga

In this post, I'll try to walk you through my journey in writing a testable, pure, effectful program in PureScript. Hopefully it will be useful in illustrating the types of problems more advanced techniques like monad transformers, free monads, and bifunctor IO try to solve. Th…

PureScript First Impressions

Community (4/5) PureScript's community is Small, but lively and helpful! Head on over to the #purescript-beginners channel on functionalprogramming.slack.com and ask anything you like. However, it loses one point maybe a little unfairly because of the mere size of the community. …

Write tests, a lot, mainly unit

A Response to Kent Dodd's Testing Approach

Easing into Functional Programming in JavaScript

This article is intended to help you methodically incorporate Functional Programming (FP) techniques into your everyday JavaScript. It will not try to convince you that FP is a good idea (if you want to be convinced, read anything Eric Elliott has ever written on the subject) no…